How to Transform Curricula

Transforming Curricula How to Transform Curricula

Adding content to already packed engineering curricula is challenging. Faculty eager to make these changes are often stymied by lack of time, support, or experience teaching sustainability.  In addition to sharing teaching tools and lessons learned from faculty who have implemented EOP in their courses and programs (see above), EOP published a literature review focused on identifying systemic barriers, strategies, success factors, and models relevant to integrating sustainability in engineering education. Recommendations included:

  • Leverage other reforms, crises, and market positioning to catalyze change
  • Adopt an “integrated” or “rebuild” approach to incorporating sustainability
  • Foster both top-down and bottom-up change, with the department as the driver
  • Employ “organizational development” and “faculty learning communities” strategies
  • Use project-based service-learning to enhance learning, inclusivity, and branding

Learn more by reading the literature review report and watching a video presentation of its findings.

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